Feature / Development Funding
Abu Amine is an illiterate eighty-year-old man who is about to discover a fundamental law that has kept the whole of mankind perplexed. After being exiled from Palestine and now Syria, after facing death, destruction and the shattering of his family into different corners of the earth, Abu Amine is now on the verge of identifying the ‘Ma’ in his hope – a hope that is unspecified, undefined, unknown and unknowable – that no other thinker could have. But can an illiterate man discover such a law?
{“Ma” in Arabic means “some” as in unspecified, undefined, unknown and unknowable.}
Arab Producer:
Leopold Ajami’s artistic and philosophical career started at the age of 10, when – while watching the film
Braveheart – he looked at his father and asked: “Why would the hero die?” It seems to him that heroes
should be immortal yet to fight for one’s ideal had one consequence: death.
After studying visual communication in Lebanon and working in the advertising industry for more than
10 years as a Creative Director in Riyadh and Dubai, after having crafted and projected heroism in
brands and products, he found that his central questions remained unanswered.
Nowadays, Leopold travel the world lecturing and coaching students and professionals based on his
unpublished book Novel Philosophy, on the need to have a proper systematic philosophy in our life
and in our work, especially the work of art.
Swedish Producer:
Co-founder of CommonGround Pictures and producer. Jonas Kellagher has produced a string of award-winning
documentaries and fiction films that have been shown on festival worldwide to great success. Among
his prior films can be mentioned Sundance premiering ”Sepideh” directed by Berit Madsen (2013),
Silver Bear winner at Berlinale ”United States of love” by Tomasz Wasilewksi (2016) and Fugue
directed by Agnieszka Smoczynska premiering as part of Semaine de la critique at Cannes 2018.
Lebanon, UAE