by Maff | Oct 4, 2023 | AWFD2023Hel
LES CHENILLES France I 2022 I Arabic dialogue with English subtitles l 30 min Synopsis Asma and Sarah, two women originally from the Levant, find themselves working in the same restaurant in the city of Lyon in France. Both bear the weight of a home they were forced...
by Maff | Oct 4, 2023 | AWFD2023Helsingborg
NEZOUH UK, Syria, France I 2022 I Arabic dialogue with English subtitles l 104 min Synopsis The film takes place during the Syrian conflict, when a missile destroys the ceiling of the house of -14year-old Zeina. As a result, she sleeps for the first time under the...
by Maff | Oct 4, 2023 | AWFD2023Helsingborg
FILM WITH KIDS WORKSHOP Before the film you and your kids will enjoy workshop with wafaa suleiman Wafaa Ahmed Suleiman, a former professor at the Faculty of Education, Damascus University, an educational researcher and trainer in the field of early childhood,...
by Maff | Oct 4, 2023 | AWFD2023Helsingborg
A SWING Screening: October 22, 15.00 Studiefrämjandet Helsingborg ALMAZ Screening: October 22, 15.00 Studiefrämjandet Helsingborg LES CHENILLES Screening: October 22, 15.00 Studiefrämjandet Helsingborg << Back to Arab Women Film Days Helsingborg Program Short...
by Maff | Oct 4, 2023 | AWFD2023Helsingborg
HEROIC BODIES Sudan I 2022 I Arabic dialogue with English subtitles l 95 min Synopsis Sudanese women were robbed of the rights to their own bodies throughout the modern ages enduring brutal and unfathomable forms of oppression. “Heroic Bodies” explore the various...