Switzeland, UK, Germany I 2019 I Arabic and English dialogue with English subtitles l 108 min
Nordic premiere
Strong-willed architect Amal, introvert poet Taufiq and closeted gay IT specialist Muhanad love meeting up at a little café in central London. They‘re all Iraqi expats, still caught up in their past and yearning for freedom. Everything changes when Amal’s husband, a former informant of Saddam’s regime, suddenly shows up in London…
Director: Samir
Writer: Samir, Eurat al Jamil
Cast: Haytham Abdulrazaq, Zahraa Ghandour, Shervin Alenabi, Waseem Abbas, Kae Bahar Ali Daeem
DOP: Ngo The Chau
Producer: Joel Jent
Screening: November 28th 20:30 Folkets bio Zita
Buy your ticket here
Maximum of 49 person
Director: Samir

Born in 1955 in Baghdad, migrated to Switzerland in the 1960s. Studied at the School of Arts in Zurich, started training as cameraman in the late 70s. First works as author and director in 1982. Cofounded Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion in 1994. Created over 40 short and full-length feature films for cinema and television.