Algeria, France I 2016 l Arabic and French dialogue with English subtitles l 86 min
Over 16 years, An Algerian male eye on femininity and dancing. Contemporary Middle-Eastern Dancer Assia Guemra is a former France Taekwondo champion. Her belt is neither a nightclub accessory nor a cinematographic lure but gives its tempo to the belly.The filmmaker gets close to the womb and understands that women mirror him.
Director: Hamid Benamra
Writer: Hamid Benamra
DOP: Hamid Benamra
Producer: Stephanie Benamra

Hamid Benamra is a filmmaker and director. His most recent titles includes “Pieces of lives”and “Reveries of the Solitary Actor” which was among the only 3 films marked 5 stars in M.Rouda’s Book of Cinema #9.