Mariem Kms, Ines Afs and Noy Ara are Tunisian female DJs. They dream of going to Berlin to escape their setbacks in Tunisia in an environment hostile to djing, in general, and to women, in particular.
As they struggle to achieve their goal, it’s the film’s director who is stymied by production issues…

Nidhal Guiga
Nidhal Guiga is a Tunisian actress, writer, and director. She directed and wrote three plays, including “Zéro bis” in 2003 and “Selon Gagarine” in 2008. Guiga also wrote the novel “Mathilde B.” in 2012, which won the Zoubeida B’chir prize. She directed three short films, “A capella,” “Astra,” and “Silencio.” Guiga’s work has been selected for the Avignon Festival and staged at Théâtre Ouvert in Paris. She is currently working on several projects across different disciplines.

Ismahane Lahmar
Ismahane Lahmar, Franco-Tunisian director and screenwriter, graduated from ESRA in Paris. Directed “On Your Grave” and wrote the screenplay for “Al Yasmine”. Her shorts “Rainbow” and “N’importe quoi” screened at international festivals. Wrote and directed 100% Tunisian comedy “Woh”. Attended international writing workshops and founded Madame Prod production company. Started “Le Cinema Au Feminin”, a unique training program for underprivileged women in cinema, supported by Drosos Foundation, Goethe Institute, Rambourg Foundation, and French Institute.

Thomas Brennan
Thomas Brennan is the Co-founder, technical producer, FCP editor, and Colorist in The FLOCK.
TheFLOCK is a small film/video production house located on the outskirts of Stockholm that focuses on providing a fine arts perspective to all our film and video projects. We create, edit, color correct, and distribute broadcast-quality products for Swedish and other Nordic TV programmers, performing arts institutions (such as the Royal Swedish Ballet and Opera), local and national dance and theater companies, and individual artists.