Arab Women Film Days invites you to an exhibition for three creative women at the Panora cinema
Free entrance. Participating exhibitors are:
28 March 13:00 Panora – Malmö
Free entry

Dima Delan Helou was born in Saudi Arabia. She spent her teenage years in her family’s native Syria and fled to Sweden in 2012 after the war broke out. Growing up, she was encouraged by her father to pursue her interest in art. Delan Helou currently studies Digital Art, 3ds Max and Typography at university, while continuing to develop her skills in manual painting. She often portrays women characters, and finds inspiration in nature and the different personalities of the people she meets.

Lina Alhajj is Palestinian, born in Syria. She has studied English Literature and worked as a teacher in Syria for six years. After she moved to Sweden, Alhajj worked as an interpreter for three years, and currently works as communicator on issues related to health and public services for the County Administrative Board. Art and painting are among the interests that Allhajj devotes herself to during her spare time.

Sherin Alabtah is Palestinian, born and raised in Syria. She has since childhood had a talent for art, drawing and painting. The civil war forced Alabtah to relocate to Sweden, where she studied to become an art teacher at Malmö University, in addition to courses in social work.
Alabteh also studied at Malmö folkhögskola, where she attended courses in visual art and creative industries.